Website Power Hour


Is your website stressing you out?

If the following sound all too familiar:

✸ You have a website but no idea how to use/update it
The thought of making changes to your site fills you with dread
If people ask for your URL you’re embarrassed to give it out
✸ Your website hasn’t been updated since it was built

Then our Power Hour could be just what you need! Find out more below.



Our Power Hour is designed to help you get to grips with your WordPress or Shopify website, and to give you the confidence and knowledge you need to make changes yourself. Here how it works:

1) Purchase your Power Hour 

2) Your booking confirmation email will include a link to book your call, and a questionnaire to fill out so we know where to focus our efforts for the 1 hour call. You’ll have to provide admin access to your website dashboard (instructions can be provided) and the questionnaire and login must be provided at least 48 hours prior to the call. 

3) During the call we will screen share and deep dive into your website dashboard. We’ll focus on the areas of your choice, and you’ll get practical knowledge and tailored guidance so you come away feeling confident.

4) After the call you’ll receive a recording of the call, along with timestamps to help you easily revisit certain topics as/when you need to.

Are you ready to take control of your website?